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Az EMA PRAC (farmakovigilancia bizottság) civil szervezeti képviselőt keres. Az EAHP 1 főt delegálhat, a jelentkezőket valamennyi tagországból várják. A részvételi szándékot 2018.05.31-ig lehet jelezni az alábbi email címeken: Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát., Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.


További információk:
The European Commission has launched a selection procedure to appoint the Civil Society representatives in the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Four members from Civil Society will be appointed: one member representing patients' organisations and one alternate, one member representing health professionals organisations and one alternate.

The successful candidates will be appointed for a three-year-mandate starting on 1 March 2019. Successful candidates must be able to actively engage in PRAC's activities. The committee meets monthly for up to 5 consecutive days. More information on the role can be found in the call document which is available together with the application form and the declaration of interests form on the following website:

In case you or one of your members is interested in applying for this role, please inform me as soon as possible of your interest since EAHP needs to provide you with a recommendation letter.

Your application needs to be accompanied by
(a) a letter of motivation (signed),
(b) the completed application form (signed),
(c) the completed form on declaration of interests (signed), and,
(d) a CV.

More information on the role of PRAC can be found on EMA's website: